In Russia from 1,500 to 2,000 operations are performed each year
to treat prostate cancer by low-dose brachytherapy using Iodine-125 micro sources.

In the United States more than 50 thousand operations are performed each year
to treat prostate cancer by low-dose brachytherapy
Low-dose rate brachyterary treatment of prostate center in Russia and in the World
Since the 80s of the ХХ century abroad, primarily, in the USA, Canada and Germany, a new method was developed which was brachytherapy for localized forms of prostate cancer (PC). The method is based on placing the sealed iodine-125 into the tissues of the prostate gland.
The results of the 10 and 12 year-long observation over patients with prostate cancer who were treated with prostate cancer brachytherapy were published. In 10 years the specific survival rate made 98%. Moreover, it has been found out that the combined therapy of prostate cancer in patients with advanced stages of the disease and low histological grade allowed achieving 79% 10-year survival rate. The efficiency of the method is comparable to the efficiency of radical surgery. In the USA the interstitial radiation therapy is already used in 400 urological clinics. Centers for prostate cancer brachytherapy work successfully in Europe (UK, Holland, Germany, Italy, Spain, etc.). |
The technology of micro source implantation under the control of spiral computer tomography makes it possible to significantly expand the possibilities of brachytherapy in treatment of patients with prostate cancer. The method enables us to treat patients with large (more than 50 cm3) prostate volume, calculi, who underwent transurethral prostatic resection (TURP), where malignant process involved the tissues of seminal vesicles. The results of 10-12 years treatment of more than 600 patients with prostate cancer with contraindications to ultra-sound controlled treatment have been published.
In the United States more than 50 thousand interventions of this kind are performed annually. According to the data of the American Cancer Society for 2012, the share of prostate cancer makes 43% of the total number cancer incidence in the United States. In 2012 241,740 new cases of prostate cancer (PC) were registered in the country. Low-dose brachytherapy is recommended for patients with low risk or middle risk of cancer development.
In Russia from 1,500 to 2,000 operations are performed each year to treat prostate cancer by low-dose brachytherapy using Iodine-125 micro sources. The number of medical institutions offering their patients low-dose brachytherapy treatment of prostate cancer is increasing every year. In 2015 micro sources produced by BEBIG were supplied to 27 Russian medical institutions.
Until 2014 micro sources were purchased exclusively abroad. Due to the growing interest in this method and its application in Russia in 2014 BEBIG in cooperation with the leading European manufacturer of medical products Eckert & Ziegler Bebig AG (Germany) launched its own production of Iodine-125 microsources.