Statistics of incidence of prostate canсer in Russia and Worldwide

Statistics in the world

Morbidity, mortality and prevalence worldwide in 2012

stat_eng.jpgProstate cancer is the second most common type of cancer in men. An estimated 1.1 million men worldwide were diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2012, accounting for 15% of the cancers diagnosed in men, with almost 70% of the cases (759,000) occurring in more developed regions. Prostate cancer incidence varies more than 25-fold worldwide; the rates are highest in Australia/New Zealand and Northern America (ASR 111.6 and 97.2 per 100,000, respectively), and in Western and Northern Europe, because the practice of prostate specific antigen (PSA) testing and subsequent biopsy has become widespread in those regions. Incidence rates are also relatively high in certain less developed regions such as the Caribbean (79.8), Southern Africa (61.8) and South America (60.1), but remain low in Asian populations with estimated rates of 10.5 and 4.5 in Eastern and South-Central Asia.

With an estimated 307,000 deaths in 2012, prostate cancer is the fifth leading cause of death from cancer in men (6.6% of the total men deaths). Because PSA testing has a much greater effect on incidence than on mortality, there is less variation in mortality rates worldwide (ten-fold from approximately 3 to 30 per 100,000) than is observed for incidence, with the number of deaths from prostate cancer larger in less developed than in more developed regions (165,000 and 142,000, respectively). Mortality rates are generally high in predominantly black populations (Caribbean, 29 per 100,000 and sub-Saharan Africa, ASRs 19-24 per 100,000), very low in Asia (2.9 per 100,000 in South-Central Asia for example) and intermediate in the Americas and Oceania.

