Three surgeries for prostate cancer (PC) treatment with the use of low-dose-rate brachytherapy were held in Nizhny Novgorod, on October 5, 2015, on the basis of clinical hospital No.3 FBIH "Volga (Privolzhsky) District Medical Center" FMBA Russia, within the framework of high-tech medical care program for citizens of the Russian Federation. This was reported by PDMC. Operations were carried out under supervision of the Chief Urologist of Nizhny Novgorod region, Professor Atduev Vagif Akhmetovich, MD, Professor of Surgery Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy, the Chief urologist of PDMC.
According to statistics for 2014, more than 600 prostate cancer patients were registered in Nizhny Novgorod. More than 20% of them are potential patients for prostate brachytherapy operation.
As noted by experts of Hospital No.3 PDMC the low-dose-rate brachytherapy method may be implemented into practice thanks to the Russian production of microsources, manufactured by Bebig LLC, RUSNANO Portfolio Company.
Brachytherapy is a highly effective method of prostate cancer treatment, in 98% of cases, completely wiping out the malignant disease.
According to Kirill Mayorov, Bebig Director General, brachytherapy is a widely spread and highly successful method of prostate cancer treatment in the world. “Pursuing the domestic production and promotion of this minimally invasive, but at the same time highly efficient method of treatment, we want to give the opportunity to the male population of our country to benefit from this highly effective treatment”, - he added.
Now, according to Mayorov, 26 public health centers in Russia successfully practice the low-dose-rate brachytherapy treatment of prostate cancer. For the year of production performance Bebig Company produced more than 10 thousand domestic microsources for the treatment of prostate cancer. In 2016 the Company plans to increase its production, which will allow carrying out operations, both in Russia and in CIS countries.