Association of brachytherapists of Russia together with Bebig company took part in the III All-Russian scientific-practical conference "New technologies in urology". The event was held in the city of Ufa on the basis of the surgical clinic of the Republican Clinical Hospital named after G.G. Kuvatov and The Clinic of the Bashkir State Medical University. The master-class on brachytherapy was given in the framework of the conference.
Leading urologists and oncologists of the Russian Federation attended the conference, live broadcasts of surgical interventions were demonstrated, lectures on topical issues in the diagnosis and treatment of urological diseases were given. Oschepkov V.N., MD, radiologist at the Research Institute of Urology, spoke about the role of salvage perineal prostate biopsy in the diagnosis of prostate cancer. Peter Klews, Director General of D & K Technologies, informed the participants about the possibilities of combined image digital processing, obtained from different sources in the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer. Koryakin A.V., Researcher at the Institute of Urology, gave a report on histoscanning in the diagnosis of prostate cancer.
A new method of treatment in radiology - electronic brachytherapy - was presented by Egorov O.B., Director General of MedvioEurasia, PhD. Experts demonstrated brachytherapy control program for localized cancer with the use of ultrasound and computed tomography. The clinic of BSMU held eight operations on implantation of microsources: five of them under CT and three of them by ultrasound. Patients were operated under the CT by medical team of FSBIH “Clinical Hospital No. 122 named after Sokolov L.G.”, FMBA of Russia in St. Petersburg: the Urologist Gorelov V.P., Radiologist, MD Artyushkin A.V., Radiologist Mukhina I.E.. Brachytherapy with ultrasound was performed by Polyakov V.Y., a Junior researcher at the Department of Oncourology named after Herzen P.A., and Koriakin A.V., Urologist from the Research Institute of Urology, Moscow. The master-class was attended by employees of BSMU. Operating doctors shared their accumulated experience and high-tech method of treatment of prostate cancer with Bashkir colleagues.
Dr. Artyushkin A.V. is at the stage of cutting the radiation sources
Dr. Gorelov V.P. gets needles-trocars into the prostate gland
Dr. Gorelov V.P. and Artyushkin A.V. implant sources into the prostate gland